Sometimes it can be a hassle having to carry around keys with you, especially during an outdoor activity. Other times there may be only one set of keys and a family member or friend may need to get inside the RV without having access to them. The Bauer EM electric RV door lock eliminates the need to carry keys around. It also gets rid of the hazard of needing to make multiple keys, which can get lost or stolen.
The Bauer EM uses a 4 digit PIN that you can set that will unlock your door when you need it. Installation can be done in under an hour and the sensitive touch pad makes the lock easy to use. In the event the battery does dead, the Bauer EM features a manual override by way of a keyed entry, although it does notify you of low battery power. Sound notification also lets you know when the Bauer EM is functioning properly.
Using the Bauer EM will provide you with increased security while also giving you added convenience. Couple with that the peace of mind knowing that you won’t have to worry about lost or stolen keys. With the Bauer EM you can better control who has access to your RV and anything that may be stored inside.